“As a 20 + year resident of the Rockdale area, I had been into the old Rockdale Library only a couple of times, and it was as most old libraries seemed to be; stuffy, awkward spaces conducive mainly to browsing bookshelves.”
“So it was with great delight that earlier this year I re-entered the new library in search a quiet space to retreat and work.”
“WOW. I was so impressed with this fantastic space. From the arcing staircases, to the high reaching photographs of trees up the walls, to the diverse range of spaces for quiet work, desk work, or just sitting in the curvy chairs gazing out the vast windows, it all felt so fresh, stimulating and yet comfortable and homely.”
“Since then, I have made many trips to the Rockdale library when I have wanted a change of space from my home office, or at times, just a place to sit and think.”
“Thank you to the designers of the library for your vision, your sensitivity to my until now un-recognised needs, and for giving my local community a really generative hub for us to share.”
From DAVID POINTON, writer, nature lover, business professional and leadership guide. www.davidpointon.com
The Brother Liguori Resources Centre [St Joseph’s College, Hunters Hill] reopened last year. The interior was redesigned to remove any “visual pollution” and make the space more functional, Tarlington says. Books are now kept on low-lined shelves and displayed to encourage students to pick them up. Comfortable furniture and high-quality lighting have been installed……
…”It’s a place where we want boys to work in and feel [that they] just want to be in here,” Tarlington says. “We have found that it’s rarely empty. Even in recreational time, it’s a high-traffic area.”
The more student-friendly space has resulted in an increase in borrowing of 150 per cent.
It’s also changed the way teachers work, Tarlington says. “Staff need to be digitally literate and technologically literate,” he says.
Excerpt from Sun Herald, Supplement pg41, “Libraries turn a fresh page” 27/2/2011
“This library is truly amazing. I have never experienced a place like this. The crisp clean air brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart. Beautiful. I will be returning with vigor. What a Utopia.” Jess
“Dear Library, This library is the best in the world.” From Holly.
“Dear Randwick Library, Your library is one great piece of art, all the things hanging on the roof and on the walls. It’s not a library it’s a museum of art and crafts with loads and LOADS of great books. From Emilee J
“I Love your libery (sic) it is so grat.(sic) it’s no like a liberey (sic) it’s like a home…” from Ineok
“Wow. I never knew going to the library could be so exciting! Love the renovations. The new décor. The friendly staff. The free DVDs. But most of all the flurry of activity, the knew (sic) vibe. Everything seems so much more alive! I was having a very bland day and this has really cheered me up. I have joined the library now for the first time in a decade.” Dean + Eliza
PS. My favourite thing by far is the little crumpled white rubbish bins. Sometimes it’s the little things that make all the difference!
“OMG! I could move back to Randwick just to be close to this library. Please ask them to renovate the Mosman Library too.”
“Fabulous concept well realized – love the colour, the natural light and the sophistication of the
lamps on the front desks. Congratulations All.” Marcia Shepherd (Soroptimist International).
From the visitor’s book when the Randwick library (now the Margaret Martin Library) first opened 2009.
“…stage 1A … has been a truly wonderful success… The students and indeed the academic staff truly love the openness of the layout and the carpet, and colours have worked extremely well.
The Vice-Chancellor is full of praise for it!!! (ie we got a special mention in one of his speeches).
We’ve made do with old furniture in the cloister and this is a bit quaint, but it’s working fine.
We had a lovely University event there last week, with lots of former religious who’d been on the teaching staff way back when, and they all seemed to think it was great (and not desecration!).
Here’s a little rave I wrote about it for the library newsletter:
A new look for the Canberra Library – extensive renovations over the summer break result in an “awesome” change to the Lewins Library.
Nancy Clarke Manager, The Lewins Library Signadou Campus, Australian Catholic University Ltd, April 2006
“The Centre for Ministry community enjoyed the workshop which you conducted in which we learnt of the plusses and minuses of the present library and what factors might be important in any changes which were undertaken.
All your documentation was of a very high quality and clearly set out timelines, responsibilities and budgets.
Even when at a very late stage in the process it became necessary to cut back on our planned extensions, within a very short amount of time you enabled us to move forward into ‘Plan B’ and creatively achieve what we needed to with the funds available.
One of our strong assets was your empathy with our organization and your amzing energy and enthusiasm for this project.
Whenever we had contact with one of your other team members, they were equally professional and committed.
On the basis of our experience of working with you on both projects, I would have no hesitation on recommending your company to another library service.”
Moira Bryant, Library Manager, Camden Theological Library, March 2008
“This project [State Library of Queensland] has been very successful, largely due to Cecilia’s professional attitude in her dealings with both the client and ourselves.
I would strongly recommend Cecilia & CK Design to any individual or company requiring her services.”
Richard Skelly, Manager BJ Fookes Pty Ltd, April 2002
…”Cecilia earned tremendous respect for her ability to foresee the needs in terms of living space for the staff who would be moving to occupy the building [Australian Broadcasting Commission].
There were a large number of staff and facilities that had to be moved out of the old premises…The ease with which the transition was accomplished was largely due to her careful and thoughtful appreciation of all of their various needs.
…a complicated renovation to our house…with beautiful stain glass windows, polished floors, skylights and high ornate ceilings. Cecilia has produced a wonderful set of plans which are totally sympathetic to the era and will greatly enhance the house whilst providing my family with beautiful new living space.
These plans passed through …council with almost no modifications and with universal praise from the Council’s Building inspection staff, ANZ bank staff responsible for approving the loan and the builder.
I have no hesitation in recommending Cecilia for her professional skills…she is an honest, pleasant wonderful person to work with and to know.”
W. John Taggart, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law & Legal Practice, UTS April 2002
“..I believe that the outcomes more than satisfy the requirements of the State Library [of Queensland] and feedback from both staff and clients has been extremely positive.
The Refurbishment Project will serve us well during the coming years and support the work to be done through the Millennium Library Project.
During this time you have shown great patience in working with the State Library staff and management representatives and your personal commitment to this long drawn out project has been greatly appreciated.”
Michael Hallam, Acting State Librarian, State Library of Queensland, June 2002
“Cecilia is a highly competent person who has extremely good communication skills.
In my own area of specialisation—education, I have often sought Cecilia’s advice on suitable designs for various types of learning environments. In this context she has impressed me with her knowledge of space and design theory as well as the structural aspects of buildings and the limitations that this can impose on possible design solutions.
Cecilia is also a good listener with a quickness of mind that allows her to grasp the essential detail of a consultancy brief.
She also has the skill to communicate quite complex design solutions to her various clients.
Most important of all, however, is Cecilia’s honesty, integrity and trustworthiness. She is also a person with a social conscience, has a pleasant disposition and is always willing to help others.”
(Dr) John Dee, Lecturer in Planning and Environmental Science, University of Sydney, December 2001
“I have been involved in all of the design projects that Cecilia has performed for Stonnington Library and Information Service and was impressed with her attention to detail and professional approach. One major advantage of this approach was the ability to interact with staff and tease out their individual needs.”
Justin Kennedy, Stonnington Library and Information Service, February, 2000